7 Things You Can Do To Start Losing Weight Now!

Dr. Kochert

1. SleepYou NEED to get 8 hours of quality sleep. If you are not sleeping well, it is important to be evaluated to check adrenal function and other medical issues that can lead to poor sleep and fatigue. During sleep, the body will rebuild and repair while also releasing hormones that promote lean muscle growth and fat loss. Sleep…

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How Breakfast Can Make or Break Your Day

Do you plan to make a healthy breakfast, but… Don’t have time in the morning? End up having food go bad because you didn’t use it? Don’t have the energy to cook in the am? Yup, if you got up Monday morning and only had a granola bar to eat, you’ve failed to change your…

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To Walk or Lift Weights?

Dr. Kochert

For the last few decades, cardio has been the recommended exercise for losing weight. So, we’ve created a nation that walks or runs for exercise. Weightlifting was used for toning up before spring break or for men to “get big”. Fitness professionals have learned that it’s best to do cardio and strength training to lose…

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